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2025 Theme is Rising Higher Growing Deeper

January's Theme is: Stretching Into Possibility

As we embark on a year of rising higher and growing deeper, let’s revisit the fundamentals of 

Science of Mind: The Thing Itself, The Way It Works, What It Does,

and How to Use It (chapters I–IV of The Science of Mind). It's important to realign with these core principles

while also expanding our understanding into our daily lives. Together, we’ll explore how to stretch into higher

and deeper possibilities by grounding into the Science of Mind principles.​



January 5th

Weekly Topic Title: God’s Nature Is Our Nature

Discover how the divine qualities of love, wisdom, and creativity are inherent within us all. Learn to recognize and embody

these attributes in your daily life, unlocking a deeper connection to your true self and the nature of the Divine as you!


January 12th

Weekly Topic Title: Making Space for It


Explore practical ways to clear mental and emotional clutter, creating room for new possibilities to emerge.

Embrace the power of mindfulness and intentional living to cultivate a fertile ground for growth and transformation.


January 19th 

Weekly Topic Title: It Flows

Dive into the natural flow of abundance and goodness that surrounds us. Understand how aligning with this flow can

bring ease and grace into your life, allowing your present life to be the access point for this good!



December 22nd 

Weekly Topic Title: Choosing Possibility


Speaker: Rev Rachael Dilling

Empower yourself to make conscious choices that open doors to limitless opportunities. Learn how to shift your mindset

and take inspired action toward a future filled with potential and promise. 


(click above for links)

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