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    Service 11:00 AM | Community Conversation 12 PM 


2024 Theme is A Grand Rising

Septembers Theme is: Pieces into Peace

Monthly Theme Summary: 

When it feels like everything is falling into pieces, how can you find more Peace?  When we are confused and asleep in the illusion of separation,

there is no Peace in our world. Spiritual wisdom and tools can help us awaken and rise to the Truth that, as Dr. Ernest Holmes said,

“Peace is always at the center of our own soul.” Oneness, Peace and Harmony prevail.  Spiritual tools in our toolkit for Life help us have a Grand

Rising in our personal and collective experience of Peace. In this month’s topic,we will explore:

What is Peace? How to cultivate Inner Peace,  Peace with others, Peace in community, and Peace on Earth--and truly

put the “Peaces” together to Rise Up and BE the Peace we see in the world.



September 1st

Weekly Topic Title: Rising from Pieces into Peace

Today we are going to explore what is Peace by first talking about what is “not peace”, learn how Dr. Ernest Holmes defined

Peace, and discover spiritual tools to take us to that place within that is always filled with the God quality of

Peace whenever we need it, truly transforming

the pieces of our lives into Inner Peace.  


September 8th

Weekly Topic Title: Waking Up to Oneness


When we view the world through the lens of “otherness” or separation (in “pieces”), it can be a scary place.

We may not feel safe and feel like we need to protect ourselves, thus reacting out of defensiveness and fear.  

When we have a Grand Rising, intentionally waking up to a world of Oneness (Peace) and Namaste,

“The Divine in me recognizes and honors the Divine in you,” then we move to

a place of love, curiosity, cooperation and compassion—our lives change for the better, experiencing

a world filled with Peace, Love, and Harmony now.


September 15th 

Weekly Topic Title:Om Shanti Om

Guest Speaker - Eugene Holden

“Sangha” is a Sanskrit word from the Buddhist and Yogic philosophies meaning Spiritual Community: a place

where people come together to support each other’s spiritual growth 

and practice a culture of Love, Peace, and Belonging.



September 22nd 

Weekly Topic Title:  Imagine Peace

Guest Speaker - Rachael Dilling

What we focus on grows—it is the Law of Attraction in action. If we use the power of our thoughts to focus on all that is

wrong in the world—we will experience more of what is wrong in the world (a world in “pieces”). If we use the

power of our thoughts to Imagine Peace, we will start seeing those pieces turning into Peace and a Grand Rising is revealed!  

Let us join the dreamers of the world to Imagine the Sweet Reality of Peace Now. 


September 29th

Weekly Topic Title: Putting the Peaces Together

Guest Speaker - Practitioners

This past month we have explored inner Peace, Peace with others, Peace in community and World Peace. Today,

we are going to put all of the pieces of Peace together to explore the question, “What is mine to do?” to have a

Grand Rising and reveal Peace on Earth Now. 





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