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Service 11:00 AM | Community Conversation 12 PM


Coming up September 22nd

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Unstatus Quo: Imagine peace
Guest Speaker - Rev Rachel 

What we focus on grows—it is the Law of Attraction in action. If we use the power of our thoughts to focus on all that is wrong in the world—we will experience more of what is wrong in the world (a world in “pieces”). If we use the power of our thoughts to Imagine Peace, we will start seeing those pieces turning into Peace and a Grand Rising is revealed!  Let us join the dreamers of the world to Imagine the Sweet Reality of Peace Now. 



We're getting ready to see you in-person this week!.png


Sunday, October 13th



 We hold in-person services every second-Sunday

on the lower level of the St George Masonic Lodge, 262 S Mall Dr.

(entrance on 1990 St, white awning).



Please arrive a few minutes early to meet and greet (doors will open at 10:30am).

We will have treats to share after service, so plan to stay for a bit to connect.


Please note that the parking just outside the white awning entrance (7 spots) is reserved for our guests who have mobility concerns. If you are not in need of special parking, please park in the regular parking on the NW side or on the street (S 1990 E St).


Back of all form, there is a Divine Substance. Hid within every appearance there is an adequate cause. If we judge by the appearance alone, as though it were self-created, we are mistaking the shadow for the Substance.

~Ernest Holmes, 

Declaration of Principles

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